Gulfport Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The Cleveland Clinic describes the spinal cord as a “tube of tissue that runs from your brain to lower back and carries nerve signals from your brain to the rest of your body.”

That is a fundamental description of one of your body’s most vital systems. It is also an extremely fragile structure that, when injured, can completely immobilize the person.

If someone else’s negligence causes that injury, the victim is entitled to compensation for all damages they’ve suffered due to the accident. The best approach for achieving a successful outcome would be to get the support and counsel of a skilled Gulfport spinal cord injury lawyer. We are ready to assist you at Owen, Owen & Smith, PLLC.

A spinal cord injury can present a lifetime of challenges for the victim and their family. That is why you want to ensure that the compensation you’re asking for will be the right amount to cover all your current and future expenses.

Common Causes for Spinal Injuries

A spinal cord injury (SCI) occurs when there is significant force or disruption of the bones or nerves that make up the cord. Here are some of the common scenarios where a spinal injury can occur:

Spinal cord injuries can also be caused by using defective products, medical malpractice, or nursing home abuse.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

When the spine experiences trauma from a blunt impact, there is a possibility the cord could be injured by bone fragments from broken vertebrae getting lodged in the nerve tissue. There can also be severe trauma if the spinal cord is twisted or extended in the injury. In a car accident, metal, glass, plastic, or other debris can penetrate the skin and become lodged in the spinal cord.

Once the trauma occurs, you could suffer two possible levels of SCI severity: complete or incomplete injury. Those levels are described by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as the following:

  • “Complete injury is the situation when the injury is so severe that almost all feeling (sensory function) and all ability to control movement (motor function) are lost below the area of the SCI.”
  • “Incomplete injury occurs when there is some sensory or motor function below the damaged area of the spine. There are many degrees of incomplete injury.”

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury, you might experience some of the following symptoms or signs:

  • Acute back pain or pressure
  • Weakness or paralysis
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Loss of sensation or altered sensation
  • Difficulty with balance or walking
  • Shock-related symptoms

If you’ve suffered an injury and any of these symptoms show up, you must seek immediate medical attention.

Gulfport, MS

Speak With a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Recovering from SCI Injury

In severe accidents, emergency responders will do their best to immobilize the victim’s spine by placing them in a neck brace and carrying them on a board. Once at the hospital, a thorough diagnosis can begin with X-rays and other scans.

Depending on the severity of the injury, surgery might be recommended to remove spinal fluid, bone fragments, or an entire disc. This can help realign the spine and provide stability for the patient.

If surgery isn’t recommended, the patient might be put in traction and bed rest until the spine has healed, much in the same way a fractured bone might heal. In the recovery process, the spinal cord injury patient will need the following types of care:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Vocational therapy
  • Recreational therapy

Additionally, certain medical devices, such as wheelchairs, braces, walkers, and crutches, could be needed. Modifications might also have to be made in the home to allow for better access.

Getting Help from a Gulfport Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The medical expenses associated with a spinal cord injury can quickly amass to staggering amounts. A growing financial burden can put a strain on the recovery. That is why it is vital to speak with an experienced Gulfport spinal cord injury lawyer to explore all your options for a remedy.

Depending on the circumstances of your injury, you might be able to receive compensation for the following:

Medical Expenses

A surgery to repair a damaged spinal cord and subsequent hospitalization can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many of these types of injuries also require long-term care. The compensation you and your attorney will seek from the at-fault party’s insurance carrier must cover current and future expenses.

In addition to immediate care, you are also entitled to payment for all your prescription costs, medical supplies, therapy, and special transportation.

Lost Wages

No matter how great your job is, you don’t have unlimited paid sick days. If your recovery lasts weeks or months, you should be compensated for the time you miss.

Loss of Earning Capacity

What if the injury prevents you from returning to your job altogether? Either you would be on permanent disability or might have to start a new career at a lower scale. Those are also areas that you need to be compensated for.

Pain and Suffering

A SCI can be extremely painful. It can make doing normal activities a challenge every day. It can also interfere with your ability to get a good night’s rest. All that pain and suffering speaks to a diminished quality of life and should also be compensable.

Mental Anguish

In addition to the physical pain you might experience, you could also be dealing with the challenges of mental anguish. That can show up in the form of depression, stress, and general anxiety. Not only will you feel these effects, but your family can also be stressed.

Always remember that an accident that wasn’t your fault means you are entitled to recover all your losses in economic and noneconomic categories.

Contact Owen, Owen & Smith, PLLC, for a Consultation Today

Every injury disrupts a person’s life. How far that disruption goes depends on the extent of the injury. At Owen, Owen & Smith, PLLC, we understand the nature of these types of injuries and the challenges you might face as you take the long road to recovery. Our goal is to ease some of that burden by becoming advocates for our clients.

We can provide guidance and support starting with the initial insurance claim and all the way through a potential personal injury lawsuit. It all begins with a consultation, during which we listen to what happened and then discuss the possible options for moving forward.

If we agree to work together, we’ll be able to help you make informed decisions about your claim. Call to schedule your consultation with our Gulfport spinal cord injury lawyer.

Owen, Owen & Smith, PLLC